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Operation Microfinance

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Scoring Information

Microentrepreneur (ME) Loan Points

  • Each ME has 3 Loans
  • Each loan has 2 questions to ask correctly and 1 loan option to select correctly
  • Each question asked correctly is 70 points (140 points for both question asked correctly, rough 25% of the total)
  • Each loan selected correctly is 400 points (roughly 75% of the total)
  • Each loan and question is 540 points
  • Maximum points from ME loans is 16,200 for 60% of the total points

Did You Know Points

  • Each question has 90 seconds to be answered
  • Each second equals 1 point
  • Maximum per Did You Know question is 90 points for a correct answer
  • Minimum per Did You Know question is 1 point for a correct answer
    • If the Player leaves during a Did You Know (player either opens the portfolio or closes the game)
      • Time = 0 seconds
      • Points = 1
  • There are 2 Did You Know questions per loan cycle
  • There are 6 Did You Know's to answer for each ME
  • There are 60 Did You Know questions total for the entire game
  • Maximum points from Did You Know questions is 5,400 points for 20% of the total points

Goodwill Decision Points

  • There are 5,400 points remaining to distribute to the Township wide events

Please Note: The playing period for Operation Microfinance is 14 days. Each day, players have the opportunity to hold 3 loan meetings. This means that players can complete the loan decision portion of the game as early as day 10. The Goodwill Decisions, however, are ongoing and will last throughout the 14 days. In order to earn the highest possible points, be sure to login and play the game every day of game play.