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Operation Microfinance

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Q: How long do I have to complete the game?

A: The Operation Microfinance game takes place over a 14–day consecutive period, starting at 10am EST and closing at 5pm EST on day 14.

Q: How do I know which day of the game I'm on?

A: The "Day" button in the top left of the game screen indicates which day you are on. For example, if you start your game on March 15, on March 20 the Day button will read "Day 6."

Q: What is a microentrepreneur (ME)?

A: A microentrepreneur (ME) is a small-business owner who lives in New Hope Township, and who is seeking a loan to expand their business. The business typically serves the local community, and is run by a sole proprietor, either by themselves or with the help of employees.

Q: What happens during an "ME Meeting"?

A: An ME Meeting is one complete interaction cycle (2 pre-lending questions, 1 loan decision, and 2 Did You Know? questions) with an individual ME. During each ME meeting, you will hear the ME's story, gather information and subsequently ask questions that lead to a loan decision. Making the right decision will enable you to increase your score. The information gathered during the meeting will help you choose which (if any) loan to make.

Q: How many meetings does it take to complete the game?

A: There are 10 individual MEs, each of whom you will meet with three times, for a total of 30 meetings. You will have three (ME) meetings available per day that can be used with any of the MEs, if meetings are available. If you do not use all of your meetings for a particular day, they will carry over into the next day. All 30 meetings must be completed to finish the game.

Q: How many meetings do I have available at any given time?

A: The circle in the bottom left corner of your screen indicates how many meetings you have left for that day. Note that three new meetings are "unlocked" every game day. The order in which you choose to take these meetings is entirely up to you. You don't have to finish them on the day they become available, as they will roll over from one day to the next. However, you must complete all 30 meetings to finish the game by the 14th day.

Q: How can I tell which meeting I am on with a particular ME?

A: Over the course of the Operation Microfinance game, you will meet with each ME three times. To see how many meetings are left for an individual ME, rollover their place of business on the map. The top right corner will indicate how many meetings you have left. If their work area is grayed out, it means that you have completed all of your meetings with that specific ME.

Q: What is a "Did You Know?" question?

A: The "Did You Know?" questions are trivia questions, which are a fun way to learn more about Credit Suisse and the microfinance industry, as well as another way to earn points. The quicker you answer these questions, the more points you earn. You will be prompted to answer the "Did You Know?" questions after you make your loan decision during an ME meeting.

Q: What is a "Goodwill Decision"?

A: A "Goodwill Decision" typically describes a scenario within the village that may have implications for the entire village. As a loan officer, you will be asked to make macro decisions that will impact the greater good of the village. Starting on Day 2 of the game, you will be prompted to visit New Horizons Bank to read a "Goodwill Decision" and decide on the best solution, based on the multiple choices given to you.

Q: How will I know when to make a "Goodwill Decision"?

A: There are two prompts that let you know a "Goodwill Decision" is ready for your assessment: you will receive e-mails alerting you, or the New Horizons Bank building at the center of your town map will flash red, signifying there is a decision to be made. There will be one "Goodwill Decision" available each day from Day 2 through Day 13 of the game.

Q: Do I have to make the "Goodwill Decisions" in order to complete the game?

A: You are not required to make "Goodwill Decisions" but they can help increase your score. If you don't wish to receive "Goodwill Decision" reminders, you may follow the opt-out instructions on the bottom of the alert e-mail.

Q: Why did I loose a meeting with a Microentrepreneur?

A: There have been issues with players leaving Microentrepreneur interview sessions by refreshing the page or going to another page. When this occurs the player looses the current interview opportunity, thus reducing the chance to win more points and eliminating your listing on the leader board. Once you select to interview a Microentrepreneur, please do not refresh, leave the page or open a separate window. You’ll have 15 minutes to complete the interview.


Q: How do I return to a previous page in the game or change my decision?

A: To navigate within the game, please use only the navigation provided within the game interface. Your web browser navigation will not allow you to go backward or forward within the game itself. Decisions cannot be changed once submitted.

Q: Can I halt a meeting with an ME and navigate elsewhere in the game?

A: Once you are engaged in an ME meeting, you must finish the meeting (which involves answering "Did You Know?" questions) and make your loan decision before navigating elsewhere.

Q: Why am I returned to the map after an ME meeting?

A: Once a meeting is completed and you have answered the associated "Did You Know?" questions, you are automatically taken to the landing page, where you may engage in other available activities such as an ME meeting or a "Goodwill Decision". If there are no more available meetings or "Goodwill Decisions", game play is finished for that day.

Q: Why is an ME grayed out on the map?

A: Upon completing three meetings with the same ME, their area on the map is grayed out to signify you have finished the loan program with that ME and there are no further meetings necessary.

Q: What is the difference between the microsite and the game itself?

A: The microsite consists of anything outside of the game itself. For example, tools and resources such as lending guidelines, the leaderboard that tells you how you rank against other players, microfinance primer, and FAQs among others.


Q. How do I earn points?

A: You can earn points in three ways:

  1. Ask the correct qualifying questions during an ME Meeting and make the correct loan decisions;
  2. Correctly answer the "Did You Know?" questions after an ME meeting;
  3. Choose the "Goodwill Decisions" that earn the most points.

Q: Where can I find the Leaderboard?

A: The link to the Leaderboard is found on the Good Hope Township map page in the top navigation. Your score reflects your standing among everyone else playing Operation Microfinance. Playing every day is not a requirement but can help you to increase your score. To learn more about how your score is calculated, refer to Scoring Information under the How to Play section.

Q: What is the Portfolio?

A: The Portfolio helps you to track your progress throughout the game and includes information such as your current game day (which day you are on), number of meetings left, loan decision, "Did You Know?" and "Goodwill Decision" points, total points by ME, and your total score.

Q: I don't see my question answered here. Where else can I find game rules?

A: You may find other important pieces of information such as those listed below in the Portfolio area of the game:

  • Game Day
  • List of ME names
  • Number of meetings
  • Loan Decision points
  • "Did You Know?" points
  • Total points by ME
  • Goodwill points
  • Total score

Q: Why would my name be removed from the leader board as a Top 100 high scorer?

A: There have been issues with players leaving Microentrepreneur interview sessions by refreshing the page or going to another page. When this occurs the player looses the current interview opportunity, thus reducing the chance to win more points and eliminating your listing on the leader board. Once you select to interview a Microentrepreneur, please do not refresh, leave the page or open a separate window. You’ll have 15 minutes to complete the interview.

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