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Operation Microfinance

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Sample Income and Expense Statement Spreadsheet

Keep track of each ME in the spreadsheet that accompanies each of their respective stories. Use them to record financial data, track changes to the MEs' finances, calculate monthly surplus income, and determine monthly capacity to repay the loan. We provide the formulas you need later in the game so that you know how to do the calculations.

ME Scenario #1
Monthly Income Micros (mcs)
  Busy Season 8,000
Slow Season 6,000
Average monthly income (this scenario assumes that busy season is 6 months, and that slow season is 6 months) 7,000
Business Expenses
  Weekly purchase 1,200
Monthly average cost of sales 5,200
Storage (month) 75
Store rent/utilities (month) 150
Business fixed costs 225
Total Monthly Business Expenses 5,650
Personal Expenses
  Home rent/utilities (month) 300
Food (month) 250
Education (month) 25
Health (month) -
Total Monthly Personal Expenses 575
Total Monthly Expenses (Business + Personal) 6,225
Monthly Income - Expenses
  Average monthly income 7,000
Average monthly expenses 6,225
Monthly Surplus/Deficit Income 775
Monthly Capacity to Re-Pay Loan (70% of Monthly Surplus) 542.5
Loan Request  
Monthly Loan Payment  

Calculation for Monthly Average Cost of Sales is= (Weekly purchase * 52 weeks in the year/ 12 months in the year)